Friday, April 29, 2011


I am currently reading a book called "The New Jewish Wedding" by Anita Diamante to gain some insight on Jewish customs that I would like to include in my wedding. Candles are something that have always been prevalent in Jewish traditions and celebrations. In the book Ms. Diamante describes one wedding that I felt used candles in a very unique and beautiful way.

"At one wedding each guest was handed a candle as she/he entered the sanctuary. The first two people in the processional acted as light bearers, row by row illuminating the candles of the people on the aisle, who in turn lit the candles of the people seated next to them, creating an ever-widening circle of light as the bride and groom walked into the room"

This reminded me of a sermon that my childhood Rabbi once gave to our congregation. I have no idea why this particular sermon stuck in my head. As a child I was never really good at focusing especially when being spoken to by a teacher but I have to think that for me to remember this particular story it must have meant something (even if I have no idea what that something is). Here is the sermon to the best of my recollection:

An old man wanted to leave all of his money to one of his three sons, but he didn't know which one he should give it to. He gave each of them a few coins and told them to buy something that would be able to fill their room. The son that was able to fill the room within the week would be the one deemed worthy of receiving his money. The first son bought straw, he spent days shoveling the straw but when his father came to see, the straw had settled leaving the room only half full.. The second son bought sticks. He labored for days attempting to fill the room but when the father came to see there were gaps that left the room only three quarters full. The third man bought books and spent his days studying and reading. The other brothers laughed at him for wasting time and saying that he would never be able to buy enough books to fill the room. When his father came to the see the last sons progress he saw the meager pile of books and asked his son “Why did you not fill your room”. His son pulled out a match from his pocket and struck it. Immediately the room was filled with light and the son said “father, I have spent my week filling this room with knowledge. The light that this knowledge brings will not settle or leave gaps and will continue to fill this room long after you are gone".
While the romanticism that candles bring is really enough of a reason to include them in this way in the ceremony, I must admit that I like the idea of the "light" that the candles symbolize. Not only to they shed brightness on the occasion and the commitment that we will be making to each other but it also unites all those that stand with us making a "new family". A family not only made up of relations but all those that care about us and have supported us thus far.

Probably a little too deep for a wedding that will most likely be taking place next to a giant pink poodle. Not to mention my nerdy safety stage manger side is having horrible visions of wax on dresses, people burning themselves, and out of control fires. Not to mention I doubt it would be legal to have that many candles burning indoors. It makes for pretty imagery though so I though I would share it.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Flowers- Blarg

Perfect for the Groomsmen and Groom

Lots of different flowers. Love this one.

So, I have never been a big flower person. I am dreading my "flower consultation" as a fate worse than death. I am toying with the idea of making my own bouquets with fake flowers mostly because I don't really see spending that kind of money on something that isn't even going to last for a week after the wedding. My poor sister couldn't even find her bouquet after her wedding.

I love all the colors in this one
with the big white daises.

These bright colors are what I am hoping to use.
 The mini daises are cute too.

I am a big fan of Gerber Daises and Carnations so I suppose if I do go with a live flower I will probably go that route. I do want to add some glitter or sparkly element.  Who doesn't love glitter?
I just really love this color.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Dress

So since I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today I sent an email to my sister and my mom to see if they wanted to stop by a local boutique and scout out wedding dresses. Unfortunately mom had a baseball game so rather than leave her out of the dress process we postponed. I did however start doing some research online to hopefully find the winning dress.
 The most beautiful dress (in my opinion) that I have ever seen was the dress of a thousand layers that Carrie wore in one of the Paris episodes of Sex and the City. I would love to find a dress that is similar in design. Below are some that are close but none excite me so much that I can't wait to go try them on.

  It is tough for me to get as excited about the dress as I think I am supposed to be. I am not the best getting in touch with my feminine side and the idea of standing in front of a group of people as they oohhh and aaahhh makes me feel weird. I am looking forward though to picking out some fierce shoes though as they have always been my weakness. :)